For Those Who Grew Up in Church:

Q: What if I’m struggling with doubt or my faith doesn’t feel real anymore?
A: It's okay to have doubts and questions. Faith isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about seeking God even in uncertainty. We encourage you to explore your doubts here openly. Our church is a safe space where you can wrestle with tough questions and grow stronger in your faith journey.

Q: I’ve been hurt by the church before. How is this church different?
A: We’re deeply sorry for any hurt you’ve experienced. Our goal is to create a community that reflects the love and grace of Jesus. We aren’t perfect, but we strive to be a place of healing, acceptance, and genuine relationships. If you’re willing, we’d love to walk this journey with you and help rebuild trust.

Q: What if I don’t agree with everything this church teaches?
A: That’s okay! We believe in unity, not uniformity. While we hold to core Christian doctrines, we understand that people are at different stages of their spiritual journey. We’re open to dialogue and encourage you to ask questions, share your perspective, and engage in meaningful conversations.

Q: I’m tired of “churchy” stuff. Is this place just going to be the same old thing?
A: We get it—sometimes church can feel repetitive or disconnected from real life. We aim to be relevant, authentic, and focused on what really matters. Our gatherings are designed to be fresh, engaging, and centered on Jesus. If you’re looking for something different, we invite you to check us out.

Q: What if I’m struggling with sin or addiction? Can I still come?
A: Absolutely. We all struggle with something, and Jesus came for the broken, not the perfect. This church isn’t a place for judgment, but for healing and growth. We offer support, accountability, and grace as you work through whatever challenges you’re facing.

Q: What if I’m not comfortable with certain traditions or practices?
A: That’s totally okay. We’re here to help you feel comfortable and find your own way of connecting with God. If there’s something that doesn’t resonate with you, feel free to talk to us about it. We want to meet you where you are.

Q: How does your church view traditional Christian values?
A: We respect and honor traditional Christian values, rather we also believe in engaging with the world in a way that reflects the love and grace of Jesus. Our focus is on living out our faith authentically, guided by Scripture, while being open to growth and understanding in our walk with God.

Q: Is your church committed to Biblical teachings, or do you compromise on difficult issues?
A: We are deeply committed to the authority of Scripture and strive to follow its teachings faithfully. At the same time, we recognize that applying Biblical principles to contemporary issues requires wisdom, prayer, and sometimes challenging conversations. We aim to approach difficult topics with both conviction and compassion.

Q: What is your church’s stance on social issues that conflict with traditional beliefs?
A: We believe in upholding Biblical truth while also extending love and grace to everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs. Our goal is to navigate social issues with a heart that reflects Christ’s love, seeking to balance truth with mercy in a way that honors God and respects all people.

Q: How can I stay connected with my faith while juggling college life?
A: We get it—college can be overwhelming. We offer various ways to stay connected, whether through small groups, online resources, or casual meet-ups. You don’t have to do this alone, and we’re here to support you in whatever way works best for your schedule.


For Those with Little to No Church Experience:

Q: I’ve never really gone to church. Will I feel out of place?
A: Not at all. Our church is made up of people from all walks of life, including those who are new to faith or just curious. You don’t need to know anything about church or the Bible to fit in here. Just come as you are, and we’ll welcome you with open arms.

Q: Do I have to believe in Jesus to attend?
A: Nope. You’re welcome to attend even if you’re just exploring or don’t believe at all. We respect where you’re at in your journey and invite you to check things out, ask questions, and see what this faith is all about.

Q:Why does the church talk so much about giving and money?
A: We know that talking about money can be uncomfortable, especially if you’ve seen it misused. For us, giving is an act of worship and a way to support the work we’re doing in the community and beyond. However, there’s no pressure to give—your presence is what matters most.

Q:Why should I believe in the Bible when it seems outdated and irrelevant?
A: That’s a great question. We believe the Bible is more than an ancient book—it’s God’s message to humanity, filled with wisdom that still applies today. We encourage you to explore it for yourself, ask tough questions, and see how it can speak to your life in surprising ways.

Q: What’s the deal with prayer? It feels weird to me.
A: Prayer can seem strange if you’ve never done it before. It’s simply talking to God, sharing what’s on your heart, and listening for His guidance. Many people liken it to a form of meditation. We believe prayer is powerful and that God hears us, but it’s also about building a relationship with Him. Even if you’re skeptical, we invite you to give it a try and see what happens.

Q: Why do people at church talk about Jesus so much?
A: Jesus is central to the Christian faith because we believe He’s the Son of God and that He shows us who God is. For many, Jesus is the reason for hope, love, and purpose. We believe its much more important to follow his teachings then  

Q: Do I have to dress a certain way to come to church?
A: Nope! Come as you are, whether that’s in shorts and a tank top or jeans and a hoodie, or whatever makes you comfortable. Durango has been called the “worst dressed town in America” and we are totally fine with that. We’re more interested in who you are than what you wear. There’s no dress code here—just be yourself.

Q: Do I have to believe in everything the church teaches to attend?
A: Absolutely not. You don’t have to have it all figured out or even agree with everything to be welcome here. We’re all on a journey, and we’re happy to walk with you wherever you’re at in yours. Come as you are, with your questions and doubts.

Q: What if I am a member of the LGBTQIA+ Community?

A: First of all, we are genuinely honored that you would consider joining us. We recognize that many in the LGBTQIA+ community have been deeply hurt by the church, and we are truly sorry for the ways in which Christians have failed to live out Jesus’s command to love our neighbors. All are welcome to attend our services. Our first and foremost hope for you is that you would come to know Jesus. After that we simply say, “follow him honestly and let the rest fall where it may.” We understand that this is a complex and sensitive topic, and we would love to have an open and respectful conversation with you if you’re interested.